1985 Emily Allen 1985 Emily Allen

smith & Stilwell

In memory of the man in the hat, Director/Cinematographer Bill Stilwell grew S&S out of his own frustrations of not having an industry payroll service. The Smith (Annette Smith) and the Stilwell (Bill Stilwell) worked side by side for many years.

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2008 Emily Allen 2008 Emily Allen

the family business

Annie Burch and Erin Buda joined S&S in Bill’s place in 2008. They have been providing concierge payroll services to the film industry ever since.

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2015 Emily Allen 2015 Emily Allen

moved to midtown

In 2015, Smith and Stilwell moved into a new location in Midtown Atlanta which houses not only S&S but Stilwell Casting and Studio at Stilwell as well.

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